Let It Snow!

Happy holidays!

art predator

10250191_10152501290670924_1736946108613488162_n McGee Creek Crooked Forest November 2014 photo by c. gwendolynalley

“Oh the weather outside is frightful
but the fire is so delightful
and since we have no place to go
let it snow let it snow let it snow!”

(Read on to learn how!)

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Already t/here

http://fineartamerica.com/showframe.php?id=569380The key principle of meditation

is to return to what

is already there

and rest.

–Ken McLeod

I find myself in the heart of Granada, Nicaragua with my son.

It is late June, summer solstice, and the rainy season arrived with a roar and a rush today.

I thought I knew what I was here for, and what I was going to do, I really did, even today.  But I did not.

While I meditate on my purpose here, on my return to what, and let go of the paralyzing fears that are making kinks in my back and gout in my joints, my son and I will find places to play like ping pong at Pura and to eat treats like at Pan de Vida and to practice Spanish like at the library at the convent and to get out of the way of trouble wherever possible and be cool tambien.

What we should be doing is already always t/here. Time to rest.

PS More photos from our exploration inside and out to come.